
Archive for November, 2011

Winter Arrives


Although still officially on blog-holiday, I wanted to record the arrival of winter in the form of our first snowfall. After an extended autumn with many pleasant, unseasonably mild days, we woke up this morning to a white world. The snow continued through the morning, ending about noon, and leaving a layer of 6 to 8 inches on the ground.


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Once again we are at the that time of year when the nights grow longer and the days grow shorter. This coming Sunday, November 6th, we fall back into our winter schedule, moving the hands of the clock (if your clock still has hands) from 2:00 AM to 1:00 AM. It’s the only day of the year when you have a chance to repeat an hour and fix your mistakes. Too bad it is mostly spent sleeping. Or maybe that’s a good thing. On Sunday evening, the sun will set at 4:44 PM (Ottawa time).


Today’s entry brings the post count at Willow House Chronicles to 881. With the changing of the seasons, I feel it is time for a little change too, and as I did last November, I am going to take a few weeks holiday from posting. I have a few projects I would like to spend more time on. One is putting together a recipe book of old family favorites.

The accompanying photos show Fiddlegirl reviving an old family recipe for chutney. It was handed down by her great-grandmother, but with the loss of the traditions of home canning, no chutney has been produced for several generations. This fall, Fiddlegirl produced the first batch of chutney in many years, using mostly produce from her own garden.

I plan on catching up on some reading. With the short lists for various awards such as the Booker, the Giller and Canada Reads arriving with the fall weather, there are plenty of interesting titles to choose from. My personal reading journal, Willow Books, is about six books behind and needs to be brought up to date.

And of course, Christmas is once again just weeks away and there are home decorating and handiwork projects to complete. Thank you to all my readers and blog friends who make sharing a blog so satisfying. Be back soon!


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