
Posts Tagged ‘gourd decorations’


I recently harvested a bountiful crop of small decorative gourds from my summer garden and was on the lookout for ideas as to how I might make use of them. Therefore, when I visited the Canadian Gardening magazine website recently, my attention was grabbed by a photo featuring little gourds as candleholders. Set your Thanksgiving table with nature finds, the heading read. I recruited Railguy, and with a one inch hole drill he was able to quickly convert my little gourds into holders for tealight candles.


We celebrated Thanksgiving with our turkey dinner on Saturday. Fiddlegirl has a long drive, over 3 hours, to get here, and everyone has a busy schedule these days. I was thankful that we were all able to get together for a very relaxing and enjoyable day. The dinner was delicious and the little gourd candles, one for each place setting, were a hit. Coming up next on the menu: turkey soup! Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian visitors, and I hope everyone everywhere enjoyed the weekend.


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