
Archive for March 5th, 2009




The March lamb not withstanding, Monday and Tuesday were bitterly cold days. A wind sweeping down from the north caused the temperature with windchill to drop below -30C again. Poor Mousie and Czarina, who have been fine for several weeks, were both shivering with cold on Monday morning. Time to dig the second blanket out again! They were both double-blanketed and the Donkey, Louie, had his little blanket put back in place. Wednesday, however, it warmed up to a balmy -4C and the wind had dropped. Warmer temperatures are predicted for the rest of the week. So the top blankets came off again.

Mousie looking perky in purple.

Mousie looking perky in purple.

First Mousie’s top blanket was unbuckled and removed, leaving her perky in purple. Then Louis, who has a thick, fluffy coat, was stripped. Here he is sticking his tongue out.

Louis enjoying the March sunshine.

Louis enjoying the March sunshine.

Czarina seems to say “Get that green thing off me!”

This green has to go.

This green has to go.

Here’s Czarina looking pretty in plaid. Spring comes dancing in, beguiling and flirtatious, two steps forward, one step back.

Czarina gets back to what's important.

Czarina gets back to what's important.

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