
Archive for March 19th, 2009


Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I.
But when the trees bow down their heads,
The wind is passing by.

Christina Rossetti (1830-1894)

One thing that can be said about March is you can count on interesting weather. In January it is mostly cold, cold, snow, cold, more snow… but March! March can bring all manner of weather: cold, rain, mild, snow, sun, freezing rain …and wind. We’ve had lots of wind. A recent blustery day featured wonderful, shifting skies, with dark clouds racing across open blue patches.

It’s hard to capture the look of the wind, but you can see the wind in the neighbour’s flag, outstretched in the breeze:


Or, as Christina Rossetti observes, you can see the wind in the bowing of the trees. Here, a small white pine blows in the wind:


It is the sky that offers the wind her most expansive canvas.


The blustery day ended with this sunset, becoming the blustery night. But that’s another story.


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