
Archive for March 11th, 2009


The Iroquois plaza is our closest shopping centre. Though unprepossessing, it is quite handy, having a bank, grocery store, drug store, and a Mac’s where I can pick up the weekend paper. Still, who would have thought it had an illustrious history?

Iroquois is situated on the St. Lawrence River. To accommodate the St. Lawrence Seaway project of the 1950s, 10 villages were flooded and substantial sections of Iroquois and neighbouring Morrisburg were relocated. As part of the redevelopment, a new shopping plaza was built in Iroquois. At the time that the shopping plaza opened in 1957, it was considered the most modern in Eastern Ontario. When Queen Elizabeth II visited Canada in 1959 and viewed the Seaway project, a 10 minute stop at the Iroquois shopping plaza was included in her itinerary.


Here are a much younger Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip.


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