
Archive for April 3rd, 2009

Prince Michael


Prince Michael is deserving of his royal name. He is a beautiful cat. He has a lush, long coat and a full, plume-like tail. He also has a rather regal, aloof bearing, as if he’s just putting up with us commoners. This is really just a symptom of his shy nature, however. He likes being petted, once he overcomes his nervousness. He usually goes by the less-than-regal name of Mikey. He is a litter mate of his brother Arthur. They are very different fellows though, both in personality and appearance.


While Arthur is a short-haired classic tabby, Mikey is a long-haired version of his ticked tabby mother, Momcat. In fact, Mikey is something of a momma’s boy. He is his mother’s favorite son and the two of them often hang out together. They have grown closer over the winter and snooze or window gaze together more and more frequently.

Mikey, left, and Momcat, birdwatching.

Mikey, left, and Momcat, birdwatching.

It’s nice that Momcat, who spent several years on her own, rearing kittens that were the offspring of some unreliable Tom who loved her and left her, now has a friend.

Momcat, foreground, and Mikey.

Momcat, foreground, and Mikey.

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